About the series: Executive Leadership Dialogue is a lunch series aimed at introducing students to public sector leaders who will share their perspectives on leadership, mentorship, and executive management. The series will be hosted by Fels Mentor Joseph Pierce and co-facilitated by current Fels student Ayo Aladesanmi ’23. The lunches are small by design and will include both Full-time and EMPA students and allow students to gain insight and learn valuable lessons on public sector leadership.
Our first guest in the series is Marcus Allen, CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters Independence. Marcus Allen is a visionary leader with more than 20 years of experience as a nonprofit executive. He has worked tirelessly to improve life circumstances for disadvantaged youth and to advocate for equal opportunities for communities of color. He joined Big Brothers Big Sisters Independence in 2013 to further this platform as the organization’s first Black Chief Executive Officer in its celebrated 106-year history.